Sunday, January 10, 2010

Recurring Cystitis Interstitial Cystitis (AKA: Painful Bladder Syndrome)?

Interstitial cystitis (AKA: Painful Bladder Syndrome)? - recurring cystitis

Hi can any of you women have been associated with interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome diagnosed? If so, what was the course of treatment recommended by your urologist? How much time in front of the bladder or urinary tract? How long were you antibiotics and pain killers? I had a biopsy of the bladder and in fact he came back free of cancer (thank God), but I have diagnosed with this disease. I also had recurrent infections of the bladder and urinary tract. I'm frustrated and in pain and disease. Please help as soon as possible, thank you!


dpechick said...

Aww, I'm going assume you have a cystoscopy with hydro-expansion was the bubble? It's a fun one to enlightenment. There is a new drug out there for the treatment of HF can not remember his name at the top of my head, but it is said to perform miracles for people with IC. Hydro-distention of the bladder is also seen as a treatment for IC and can help the pain. Another point is the food. Acidic foods tend to irritate the lining of the bladder and cause discomfort. Many websites dedicated to this special diet of the way when we are on Yahoo or Google to see if you can find something. I hope I can make a little help. I wish him good luck!

dpechick said...

Aww, I'm going assume you have a cystoscopy with hydro-expansion was the bubble? It's a fun one to enlightenment. There is a new drug out there for the treatment of HF can not remember his name at the top of my head, but it is said to perform miracles for people with IC. Hydro-distention of the bladder is also seen as a treatment for IC and can help the pain. Another point is the food. Acidic foods tend to irritate the lining of the bladder and cause discomfort. Many websites dedicated to this special diet of the way when we are on Yahoo or Google to see if you can find something. I hope I can make a little help. I wish him good luck!

thisis_c... said...

I have had IC for about 30 years. I have a very serious case. Here you will find all the information on the website of the Network ICE. The first thing I recommend is to try the IC diet and a good urologist. Goodluck.

spirit free said...

I understand your dilemma, but at least you can get drugs for the disease. Try to polycystic kidney disease and have overcome. There is no cure. no treatment, and finally take care of my kidneys and my liver and kill me. The only cures are dialysis or kidney transplantation. but if your like me in the financial industry. You can not pay for these treatments, and dies a little every day. I m not improve pain every day now, and, but not on a document. and a document can not help me anyway. So I have to deal with just as much as they can, and do not let you prevent what you do. appreciate what you have time, because you can only be tomorrow dead. do not worry. just enjoying life as best you can.

Oscar said...

I havent diagnosed with these infections, but I have a severe bladder at regular intervals.
Things that maybe can help if you look at the type of food you are looking for food. Avoid acidic foods and drinks (eg citrus fruits) every time you have sex be sure to go to the toilet after drinking too much water. Ural Sachets are an alkaline powder that is mixed with water and also helps if you are sexually active .. Make sure your partner!

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